An information evening for parents of 6th class pupils was held at Coláiste Iósaef last Thursday night, November 6th, when the whole school was open to parents and primary school pupils to see the different rooms, subjects, activities and opportunities provided at the much vaunted facility.
The school also unveiled the plans for their large new school extension for which planning permission has been lodged in conjunction with Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and the Department of Education.
Excellent attendance
On the night almost 100 primary school pupils were in attendance. 1st year head Mr Jim Kearney this week told the Vale Star, “I have been here a while at this stage but over the last few years our results across the board have improved greatly, I know the principal mentions where we stand on the league tables in comparison to other schools later, but really that has been part of what has led to increased numbers.”
Tailored tuition
On the night the principal, Mr Sean Twomey, spoke about the programme for incoming 1st years and specifically the tailored tuition and feedback available for parents. “All 1st Years are monitored and tested on their progress, as well as being educationally assessed we also throughout the year test them for reading and maths ages. This allows us to set targets for how students to reach, all this information is also available to parents as they are a key part of helping students reach their potential.
“Naturally there has been some focus on the new school, but I would hope the main thing parents take from the information evening is the level of care we provide to each student. – both in terms of their academic and personal growth. Choosing your secondary school is an important event, teenagers go through lots of change and its important to sent them to a school where staff care for the students. I certainly believe we do that here, our staff is highly motivated and hard working and seeks to help every child learn and progress,” Sean Twomey concluded.
Principal available
Parents also ghad the opportunity to meet individual teachers and, if they require further information, Mr Twomey will make himself available to meet all new students and parents. “Yes, I like to meet the incoming students, just to chat about subjects, options, future goals and to reassure them as to how welcome they are to join Coláiste Iósaef, “ he said this week.
Parents and students are asked to contact the school at or 063-98275 if they are interested in enrolling in 2015.