By Matt O’Callaghan

A group of budding authors have come together to compile a collection of short stories that will be launched in Abbeyfeale on this Friday evening. The group came together through La Cheile at the C.D.P. Office in Abbeyfeale and from that the writers group was formed. “As a group most of our writing is based on shorts stories, local history, local tradition and customs. As a group we decided to publish the material in booklet form and the proceeds from the sales will all go to charity “explained group member Nora Healy. The charities chosen to benefit from the project are Pieta House and Abbeyfeale and District Search and Rescue.

The group comprises twelve members, ten female and two male, who hail from Abbeyfeale, Newcastle West and parts of North Kerry and they meet for two hours every two weeks. Says Nora: “We have had a lot of help in producing the book from Suzanne Rowley of West Limerick Resources and we have received a lot of help from local businesses in advertising the project. It is our first publication, we are very excited about it and the response has been very positive from everybody who we have spoken to.”

The launch takes place on this Friday evening at Donal and Anne’s Bar, Abbeyfeale at 8pm. Suzanne Rowley of West Limerick Resources will officially launch the booklet which costs €5 and it will be available in local business outlets