A Charleville based services which is providing an invaluable service to the elderly and those living alone in the Charleville area is about to spread its wings to neighbouring communities.

McAuley Day Care Centre Care and Repair Service is available to persons over the age of 65 and in co-operation with Age Action Ireland who run the Care and Repair Service nationwide work to improve the quality of life of all older people and their carers – especially those who are most dis-advantaged and vulnerable – by enabling them to live full, independent and satisfying lives for as long as they wish in their own homes.

The organisation held its annual general meeting last week at which the speakers included John O’Mahony, Development Officer, Age Action Ireland and local Community Garda Nick Phelan. Care and Repair chairman Kevin McSwee-ney thanked John McMahon and the B.C.D. Group for sponsoring high viz jackets for volunteers, C.P.H. for use of their machines and Ballyhoura Development for the ongoing support and use of the office.

Representatives from local communities including Effin, Ballyhea, Newtown-shandrum and Colmanswell attended and heard Mr. O’Mahony outline details of the scheme and undertook to go back to their communities to consider becoming involved in the scheme. Representatives were afforded the option of setting up independently or joining up with the Charleville group with the latter option allowing them access to a staffed office to take calls.

It is hoped that Care and Repair will be rolled out in these communities in the near future and like the Charleville group will have a dedicated group of volunteers in the locality ready to help and who will be just a phone call away.