Cllr Gerald Mitchell elected as new Mayor of the City and County of Limerick

Cllr Gerald Mitchell has been elected as the new Mayor of the City and County of Limerick. The Fine Gael councillor was elected without a vote at Friday’s Annual Meeting of the Council after he was the only candidate proposed by Cllr John Sheehan and seconded by Cllr John Egan.
He takes over the role as Limerick’s First Citizen from Cllr Francis Foley.
Mayor Mitchell, who represents the Municipal District of Cappamore – Kilmallock was first elected as a councillor to Limerick City and County Council in 2014.
The native of Hospital in County Limerick is a qualified auctioneer with more than 40 years’ experience working in the family business, E.J Mitchell and Sons Auctioneers, which is more than 100 years old.
Speaking following his election, the new Mayor of the City and County of Limerick said he intends to make investment in rural communities a priority during his term: “More needs to be done to make the countryside more attractive for investment and residential development. In particular, I want to see pressure put on Uisce Eireann to improve sewage systems in our county towns and villages, many of which are not fit for purpose. This is stifling growth and investment and must be addressed as soon as possible if we are to stem the flow of young people from the countryside. They need options for employment and housing in their local areas.”
Mayor Mitchell also recognised the value of having a thriving city centre: “In Limerick, we are enjoying strong economic growth, and I hope to see strong levels of investment continuing in our city. Limerick needs a strong city at its core. The benefits reverberate out across the county. A rising tide lifts all boats.”
Mayor Mitchell said he was proud to be continuing a family legacy of public representation. He is an ancestral relation of Thomas B. Mitchell who was the first Chairman of Limerick County Council in 1899. Thomas’s brother Edmond Mitchell also served on the first council. The new Mayor Mitchell’s grandfather Edmond J. Mitchell served on Limerick County Council from 1928 to 1942. Another relation, Thomas M Mitchell, was a councillor in early 1940’s.
The newly elected Mayor said the family motto down through the years has always been: “Public Service Not Self Service.”
He paid tribute to his deceased parents Eileen and Edmond J. Mitchell saying: “Helping out people in the locality and being good neighbours came naturally to them both.”
Meanwhile, another Fine Gael councillor, Dan McSweeney, was elected as Deputy Mayor of the City and County of Limerick.
Cllr Sweeney from Patrickswell was first elected in 2019 to the Limerick City West Electoral Area in the Metropolitan District of Limerick at the age of 20.
The Deputy Mayor said he has often been referred to as the “young fella” on the Council but said he has “learned the ropes of how to survive in politics very quickly.”
He added: “Since my election I have worked hard to represent the people of Limerick City West to the best of my ability. My key focus has been to enhance the provision of Community, Sport and Recreation facilities, the delivery of Affordable and Social Homes, tackling dereliction in our communities and improving connectivity with Limerick City Centre.”
The election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the City and County of Limerick completes a series of appointments at annual meetings across Limerick.