Coláiste Mhuire Buttevant All-Ireland Drama Champions

Congratulations to Coláiste Mhuire Buttevant, who won first place in the All-Ireland Transition Year Drama Festival 2018. In addition to receiving this award, directors Mr Martin Lucey and Ms Laura Hayes received the award of ‘Best Director.’ This is the supreme victory for Coláiste Mhuire, having previously won the competition in 2016 and won ‘Best Original Script’ in 2017.
The competition is in its 18th year and is open to all Transition year students in the South and year 11 in Post Primary schools in the North of Ireland. Semi-finals took place in Macroom and in Mullingar with the Grand Final taking place in the Mullingar Arts Centre over two days on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th of March.
This year Coláiste Mhuire performed their adaptation of ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell which was his representation of the Russian Revolution. The cast consisted of 17 Transition year students who were co-directed by prestigious actor and director Martin Lucey and English and Drama teacher Laura Hayes.
Local Buttevant drama group the ‘Friary Players’ would like to extend their congratulations to Coláiste Mhuire and wish them every success in the future. Coláiste Mhuire with the help of the ‘Friary Players’ would like to inform the public that there will be a performance of the winning drama taking place at Coláiste Mhuire on Friday 23rd March at 7.30pm. This performance is open to all members of the public and is undoubtedly a must-see for all ages.