Dominic nominated for Pramerica Spirit of Community Award

Dominic Cronin from Mallow has been nominated for the Pramerica Spirit of Community Award, an all-Ireland competition which honours young people who do exemplary volunteer work in their local comm-unities. Dominic is a stud-ent at the Parician Academy and has been nominated for his volunteering activities with Mallow Marlins Special Olympics Swimm-ing Club, and Nazareth House. The Pramerica initiative, which is run in partnership with the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD) and the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI), rewards post-primary students for outstanding acts of volun-teerism and the positive contribution they make in their local communities. Dominic is one of 20 students nominated, and will be presented with €500 and an engraved silver medallion at the Pramerica awards ceremony on 28th March in the Aviva Stad-ium, Dublin. The top two Junior Honourees on the day will also receive an additional €500 for their chosen charity, and two of the 20 students will be named All-Ireland Youth Volunteers of the Year.  These two students will receive €1,000, a gold medallion, a crystal trophy for their school and an all-expenses-paid trip to the United States in May to participate in the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards ceremony. Follow the Pramerica Spirit of Community on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat (@Pramerica_SOC), or