The Co. Limerick Foxhounds are organising a fun ride in the Lough Gur area next Saturday in aid of local Lough Gur initiatives. “There has been a long history of involvement with horses in the Lough Gur area, with a lot of local interest in both hunting and horse racing. Those with an interest in horses got together and decided to try and organise a fun ride in the locality to raise much needed funds for local community initiatives,” said Seamus Murnane of the organising committee. “Of course this is probably one of the most scenic areas in County Limerick and riding is a great way to see the countryside,” he added. The ride will raise funds for local initiatives such as the graveyard fund, the local school, the parent and baby/toddler group and the refurbishment of the Heritage Centre. Fr. Liam Holmes said “We have recently extended our graveyard and intend to erect a grotto in the extension so are delighted with the initiative from Co. Limerick Foxhounds to help raise funds to defray costs of the grotto.”

Lough Gur community took over management of the Heritage Centre in June 2011 from Shannon Heritage and intend to refurbish the centre this autumn. The centre will be closed from the end of October through to March while the refurbishment takes place. “This is a big project and while we have received funding from Ballyhoura Development for the project, there is still an element of local funding required so we would like to thank everyone involved in this project for thinking of the local initiatives which require funding to receive the proceeds of the ride,” said Siobhan Kirby who manages the Heritage Centre with other community members. “We are going to provide tea/coffee and refreshments in the Heritage Centre after the ride for all of those who take part in the event.

“We have got great support from the local landowners,” said Deirdre Hogan of the Co. Limerick Foxhounds. “The ride will travel across the land of approximately 25 landowners and they have all been supportive of the idea. We would like to take this opportunity to thank each one and to invite them to the Heritage Centre on Saturday 20th October at approximately 4pm for refreshments,” she continued.

The ride will be mainly cross-country with a little road hacking along the way. There will be up on 40 fences to jump including stone walls, hedges, dykes and double banks. For those not interested in jumping there is a non-jumping route also available. Cost of entry is €40 for adults and €20 for children/students and registration will take place on the day. There is also going to be a historical guided walk for non-riders also starting at 12.30pm and there is a cost of €10 for this walk. The idea is that both the walk and the ride will finish at the Heritage Centre at approximately 4pm. For more details please contact Dee on 086-8137188.