Honorary Doctorate awarded to dementia champion Kevin

Kevin Quaid.

Kevin Quaid, Chair of The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Irish Dementia Working Group, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Business Administration from Longford College last Friday in a ceremony at the Aviva Stadium. The Doctorate, awarded through Rushford Business School, acknowledges Kevin’s outstanding contributions to the field of Lewy Body Dementia Advocacy, specifically through the values of innovation, leadership, and a commitment to public service.
Kevin, a native of Limerick and nowadays living in Kanturk, was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia in 2017 after a previous diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. In addition to his work with the ASI, he is Vice-Chair of the Alzheimer Europe European Working Group of People with Dementia, and founder of Lewy Body Ireland. He is also a published author and has written two books about his experiences with dementia, titled ‘Lewy Body Dementia, Survival and Me’ and ‘I am KEVIN not Lewy’.
In acknowledgement of this news, Mr Quaid said: “I am humbled to receive this doctorate; I’d like to thank the people of Longford International College and Rushford Business School for choosing to recognise me with this honour. I’m extremely grateful to my colleagues in the IDWG, EWGPD and the ASI for their support in my advocacy work; I would not be here without them”.
For more information about The Alzheimer Society of Ireland and its services, visit alzheimer.ie.