Since the launch of the 131 Days of Thanksgiving Fundraising on 7th December there has been over 60 feeder events, over 2,400 people took part in the Walk/Run/Cycle on the 17th April in addition to so many people raising funds through sponsorship cards.
While almost all the sponsorship cards have been returned the Joanne McMahon Fundraising team would really appreciate it if anybody who has not done so yet please return same in the coming days so that the project can be appropriately wound down.
To say that this whole project has been a success is a major understatement as the fundraising and associated spontaneous initiative taking in every community in Limerick and far beyond has been astonishing, Liam Woulfe, Chairman of the Joanne Thanksgiving Fundraising for the Burns Unit said this week. “We are delighted with the great engagement, participation and of course funds raised” he said.
The total funds raised will be presented to Mr. Oran Shelly, Director of the National Burns Unit, St Jame’s on Friday night 10th June at 8pm. “On behalf of all the Joanne Team I want to invite everybody who has supported our thanksgiving fundraising in any way to come to Castlemahon Hall on that night where music and dance will follow the presentation,” Liam said.