The pupils of 5th and 6th class in Killoughteen NS entered a project “What is the best type of cup to keep a liquid hot?” into the RDS Primary Science Fair. We were delighted to get accepted and go to Dublin. We would like to thank Marie Corkery from Desmond College and the Transition Year students who came in to help the pupils and get their project underway. Class teacher Katie Dillane guided and helped the students to develop their project and get it ready for display and questioning by the judges in the RDS. On Friday 9th January at 4.30am we left Killough-teen NS with bus driver Timmy Madigan. We arrived in Dublin in what seemed a very short time and the show kicked off immediately. Some pupils set up our stand while others enjoyed a show with Titan the Robot, it was brilliant! We were on the go all day, going to light shows, viewing projects from the third level colleges, secondary schools and much more. The pupils spoke to many people on the day and explained how they had completed the project and gave them the very important infor-mation “Styrofoam cups keep your tea hottest for longest!” (we tested paper, plastic and ceramic cups). We stopped for food on the way home and were back at school for 8pm. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Killoughteen NS at the RDS Primary Science Fair
January 22, 2015
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