Mallow’s Christmas  lights go ‘live’

Mallow Chamber President Sharon Cregg, and Cllr Pat Hayes, Chairman of Kanturk-Mallow Municipal District, pictured at the switching on of the Christmas lights in Mallow last Friday evening. Photo, S. Murphy.

The weather was very poor last Friday in Mallow, but light and cheer came in the form of the annual switching on of the town’s Christmas lights. This event usually attracts huge crowds, but Covid-19 resulted in this year’s switch-on becoming a ‘virtual’ one. Cllr Pat Hayes and Chamber President Sharon Cregg turned on the lights from a rainy town plaza, and the proceedings were watched online by families around the town.
Speaking at the event, Cllr Hayes said, “As Chairman of the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District of Cork County Council, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a healthy and a happy Christmas. My prayers and best wishes are with all the people who might have lost a loved one or who have been affected in any way by the Coronavirus. A special thank you to all our healthcare and frontline workers who have been to forefront during this crisis.
“Christmas is a wonderful time of year and I know that, due to the coronavirus, this year it’s not going to be like any other Christmas that we have had in the past.”
“I am reliably informed that Santa Claus is well prepared and will be visiting all the children in Mallow and surrounding towns and villages this year,” he added.
“We have decided to switch on the Christmas lights earlier this year to allow everyone to get into the spirit of Christmas and to enjoy it for longer. I wish to acknowledge the support of Mallow Cham-ber of Commerce, local businesses, Cork County Council and the community who contribute to the Christmas lights initiative every year. I would encourage everyone to shop local to support local jobs this Christmas. Please stay safe,” he concluded.
The councillor’s words were echoed by Sharon Cregg who said that Covd-19 had made 2020 a very challenging year for business, and she was hoping that, when lockdown restrictions are eased, the community buys locally where possible. “Mallow has a lot to offer,” she said.