Two Transition Year students, Maria Stanton and Marie Carey, from St. Mary’s Secondary School travelled to Mbula, Uganda last Sunday for twelve days. They are with the organisation ‘Partners in Learning’, a a new concept in community development which involves linking communities in the Global North with communities in the Global South. The girls are getting involved with students their own age, along with visiting different orphanages and both primary and secondary schools. The girls’ main aim is to highlight the differences in culture and life in general. To make this possible they will be keeping a diary, blog and video diary on their experiences. They will be presenting the information to different schools in North Cork. The girls would like to thank St. Mary’s for all their support and Dano’s Supervalu and Centra, and also Herlihy’s for co-operation during their recent flag day, and especially the people of Mallow who were so generous. It was much appreciated.

Maria and Marie travel to Uganda
February 9, 2012
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