The business community of North Cork gathered together for an innovative networking event in Mallow last Thursday. A new approach to networking, the event also highlighted how to make Artificial Intelligence work for business.
Kevin Curran, Head of Enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Cork North and West detailed the array of supports offered to businesses by the Local Enterprise Office. Damien Mulley, a technology and digital marketing strategist, gave a presentation on ChatGPT and showcased real-world examples of its benefits and how to utilise it to give your business an advantage.
The second half of the event gave participants an opportunity to network and promote their services and products. Theresa Mulvihill from Smart Marketing facilitated ‘Speed Networking’, where business representatives had a chance to promote their business while making new connections.
Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O’Flynn said, “The benefits of networking can never be understated in business. It is great to see our Local Enterprise Offices promoting new, smart initiatives to enable businesses to grow. The limited time frame of speed networking ensures people focus on their strengths allowing them to make numerous business connections in a short time frame. I’m looking forward to seeing these businesses prosper.”
Kevin Curran, Head of Enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Cork North and West added “It is our intention to continue to support businesses in Cork North and West. We endeavour to seek out new and innovative ideas to help us help businesses grow. We continue to run a full range of training programmes for new and established business and are focussed on providing a range of supports that will suit everyone’s requirements. The event was very well received by all participants, and we wish them the best of luck in their future careers.”
If you wish to book a place on any of the Local Enterprise Office Training Programmes, book your place at www. localenterprise.ie/ CorkNorthandWest