Though it is high summer a large number of colleagues and friends from all stages of Anne’s career turned out at a most enjoyable celebration last week in Springfort Hall to acknowledge and pay warm tribute to Anne Buckley on her recent retirement from her career as a Public Health Nurse in the HSE. Many others who could not be present for the most enjoyable occasion sent good luck wishes to her. Warm, sincere and wonderful tributes were paid to Anne at the celebration of her nursing career where she was accompanied by her husband Denny, her children Fergal, Laura and Denis and son in law Trevor.
Originally from Duinch, Banteer, Anne Buckley registered as a General Nurse in Whipps Cross University Hospital, London, and was a midwife in the Bon Secours Hospital, Cork. She specialised in intensive care nursing and later nursed in Mallow General Hospital in the Operating Theatre and on the Ambulance Service. She undertook the Higher Diploma in Public Health Nursing in University College Cork and in 1995, on registering with An Bórd Altranais, started working in the Millstreet. She later transferred to Mallow where she worked as co-ordinator of the Meningitis C Immunisation Programme. Subsequently Anne acted as Assistant Director of Public Health Nursing in the Fermoy-Mitchelstown region. Anne was well known in schools and clinics from Mallow to Charleville where she worked in the Child Health and School Health Services as part of the School Health Team. In recent times Anne was the Public Health Nurse Coordinator of the Primary Childhood Immunisation Programme throughout the North Cork region.
During her career Anne was professional, discreet, confidential, well-motivated, and an impressive Public Health Nurse. She completed a HSE Certificate in Healthcare Management; she built up her wealth of Public Health Nursing knowledge and demonstrated her great skills over the years. She proved to be a good representative of her profession and has wonderful personal and professional qualities. Anne was described as caring, empathetic and concerned for the schoolchildren who were her clients, their families and her colleagues. Clearly Anne developed good friendships in the workplace ,as was evident by the large and wide-ranging colleagues present for the occasion.
Going forward to a new stage of her life, Anne will no doubt have more time to develop and enjoy her various interests in travel, fashion, public speaking (Toastmasters), racing, walking and theatre, and in this her much-loved family will play a significant part. Various gifts were presented to Anne to mark the occasion and she was warmly thanked for the many years of quality Public Health Nursing service she gave to the North Cork Community. Anne was wished a long, happy and fulfilled retirement and the very best health and happiness for the future.