28 gymnasts and 6 coaches from Pyramid Gymnastics Club will travel to Riccone, Italy this Saturday to take part in the international Festival del Sole. The festival will run for one week, starting with the opening ceremony on the Sunday evening. All the gymnasts from the different clubs around the world will parade around the town of Riccone behind their national flag, to come to a meeting point for everyone to greet each other. This will be followed by a week full of fun and excitement for all involved. The gymnasts will put on a display for the public on three nights out of the six, and then it’s off to various different workshops which will include anything from hip-hop to ballet, to belly dancing, where experience skills from gymnasts from other clubs and countries.
The club gymnasts will perform a stunning range of acrobatics, tumbling, pyramids and floor routines, all choreographed to music. Their performance will display talent, precision and flair for their given level. Together they will dance and perform showcasing a wide range of ability. A special thank you to all the parents who spent a lot of time and fundraising. It’s much appreciated.