Scoil Mháthair Dé has been selected to take part in a Limerick Libraries initiative called ‘Limerick Reads – What’s the Story?’ This is a community reading project which aims to raise awareness of reading through the promotion of Limerick writing and writers. It aims to make connections, start conversations and highlight reading as an essential element of all our wellbeing.
The library service visited the school recently, presenting a class set of the book ‘The Monsters of Rookhaven’ by author Pádraig Kenny. This novel is aimed at 5th and 6th class level. Each pupil was delighted with their new book and all displayed tremendous enthusiasm.
We were also delighted to receive over 700 extra books for our school library.
We are most grateful to Julie McLoughlin of Limerick Libraries’ who organised the event and the donation of books. She was ably assisted on the day by Dean McDarby, also of Limerick Libraries.