Work on the significant re-development of Dairy-gold’s dairy processing facility at Annabella, West End, Mallow, has begun. The planned Mallow re-development is designed to deliver a world-class dairy processing facility, integrating current oper-ations with planned new facilities in order to produce a suite of dairy ingredient milk powders up to infant milk formula standards. The new development is an essential element of Dairygold’s Post Quota Plan to accommodate the anticipated increase in milk flow, which will come about after the abolition of EU milk quota restrictions in April 2015.

The new processing facility in Mallow will be larger in scale, cleaner, quieter and more efficient than the existing facility. It will also incorporate best environmental practice, enhancing the protections already in place. The re-development works will largely take place within the existing site boundary; however, substantial improve- ments to adjacent road and junction layouts are also planned.

Dairygold have confirmed the start of work on the first stage of construction of the new facility. These initial works, which started yesterday, consist of form-ation of a construction access from the Lower Beecher Street Roundabout to the northern end of the site, construction of a new internal roadway to provide access from the northern site entrance, site preparation including the erection of fencing, protective hoarding and embankments, demolition to remove redundant buildings, the establishment of a contractors’ compound, and provision of temporary car-parking for construction staff on Dairygold land south of West End, to minimise disruption to local traffic flow.

Throughout the construc-tion period until April 2015 construction traffic will access from the Beecher Street Roundabout only. The planned new northern site entrance will provide access for all site-related vehicular and heavy goods traffic (HGV) to the facility. The southern entrance will remain for staff, visitor and emergency access only.