Charleville Tidy Towns would like to thank Charleville Fire Brigade for their assistance in putting up the hanging baskets in Charleville in the past week. Fifty nine attractive hanging baskets are a very colourful addition to the town. Many individuals, resident groups and business owners took advantage of last week’s fine weather and spent time painting, planting, cleaning, cutting grass, etc. This work is very evident across Charleville and with the Tidy Towns judges due to visit any day, most parts of the town are looking very well. Tidy Towns volunteers have also been very busy with cleaning and painting many of the poles and bins on Main St.
Weekly clean-ups continue every Tuesday evening, meeting at 7pm at the Library Plaza and everyone, young and old, is welcome. For more details contact Aileen Browne, Secretary, Charleville Tidy Towns, 086-8145716 or any Tidy Towns member.