Cork County Council signed a contract on Monday with Cork-based company, Cumnor Construction Ltd., to construct a new boardwalk at Mallow Bridge. The total projected cost of the boardwalk is €2.35m, €1.35m of which will be funded by Cork County Council and the remaining €1m co-financed by an EU allocated Designated Urban Centres Grant.
The 200 year old bridge, which spans the River Blackwater, is a protected structure and a major access route to Mallow town centre. The boardwalk will be affixed on the western spandrel wall of the bridge and the subsequent removal of the footpath on the bridge will give space for the addition of traffic turning lanes which are expected to greatly improve traffic flow in this area.
The Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Tim Lucey, commented at the signing of the contract, “This signing marks the commencement of the development of the much anticipated Mallow Boardwalk which will have a number of significant benefits for the town. As a designated ‘hub’ town under the National Spatial Strategy, Mallow’s population continues to grow and Cork County Council is committed to supporting this growth in a strategic and sustainable manner ensuring that quality of life also increases. Investing in infrastructure and smart transport are key elements in this.”
The Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Christopher O’Sullivan praised the design of the boardwalk noting that it provides “a significant amount of shared space for cyclists and pedestrians. On completion this project will help to deliver a more sustainable, high quality, well serviced living environment that fits neatly within the historical architecture and rich heritage of Mallow. While some temporary travel disruption is inevitable – a traffic management plan will be in operation during the construction phase and this new boardwalk will reduce journey times significantly and open up options for alternative transport modes in the long-term.”
The boardwalk has been designed to minimise works between the bridge parapets thereby reducing traffic disruption during construction. Night-time works will be carried out to minimise traffic inconvenience and some of the overnight works will require a full bridge closure. Some full time (day and night) lane closures are expected and associated detours will be necessary for a period and will be confined to the school summer holiday period where possible.
Road closures and detours will be updated on Cork County Alerts.
Contracts signed for Mallow Bridge boardwalk
July 25, 2019
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