Ballyhoura Comhaltas was proud to host the launch night of Hup na Houra, a unique traditional Irish music, song and dance show, in the Old Chapel Rooms, Kilfinane last Wednesday, 8th June. The 30-minute sample of the show, which will run on Tuesdays from 12th July to 23rd August, received a standing ovation from the 100 tourism providers who attended the launch. The show featured stunning performances from some of Ireland’s finest performers including Derek Hickey (accordion), Liam Flanagan (fiddle), Caoimhín O’Fearghail (guitar and flute), and Deirdre Scanlan (singer). Along with the top quality music and song, the audience experienced traditional dancing at its best with a mix of step, set, sean-nos and brush dancing from Ciara Flanagan, Rachel Lynch and Caroline Flynn – all renowned dancers, and a selection of the local set dancing group.
Celebrating the history and life of the area, through music, song and dance the launch featured pieces such as ‘The Lament for Staker Wallace’, The Kilfinane Jig and the Ballinvreena Set, along with reference to 1916 through the singing of ‘Legends’ by the wonderful east Limerick Singer Deirdre Scanlan.
Guests watched the show by candlelight and were provided with local artisan produce and refreshments,
from Ballyhoura Apple Farm and Hosford’s Bakery – both thriving Kilfinane businesses.
Hup na Houra is set in the beautiful newly restored Church of Ireland, Kilfinane , nestled in the heart of Ballyhoura Country. This historical building, which is fast becoming one of Munster’s most exciting venues, lent itself to the atmosphere of the show and is the most apt of venues.
Hup na Houra, run by Ballyhoura Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE) a voluntary group, is part of the seisiún programme, run Comhaltas, a musical trail through Ireland. The show is being run in accordance with Ballyhoura CCE aims of encouraging Irish music, song, dance and culture in the Kilfinane and the area.
Any profits will be used by Ballyhoura CCE to further promote traditional arts and increase the instrument bank that is available to children and adults, learning music, through a hire scheme. Ballyhoura CCE was formed last August, and has grown from strength to strength and is now teaching music to over 80 children and adults in Kilfinane, dance to over 40 and has registered their interest to Comhaltas Munster Council to host the Limerick County Fleadh in the town in 2017. It has been quoted that music has brought the community together, and regular Seisiúns and shows are now attracting visitors to Kilfinane on a regular basis. Ballyhoura CCE has been working closely with Ballyhoura Failte and Ballyhoura Development, and has registered their interest, and actively participated in, the newly launched Munster Vales and Irelands Ancient East Initiatives.
Ballyhoura CCE wish to acknowledge the many supporters who have made them so successful in their first year – including all of the businesses in Kilfinane who sponsored instruments for the children this year. The committee are honoured and overawed to have been given the opportunity to run a show like this and to have achieved so much as a start-up branch. This would not have been possible without the many volunteers who have helped along the way.
Hup na Houra will run on Tuesday nights at 8pm from 12th July until 23rd August. Places must be booked in order to allow for seating and catering arrangements on 087 4548501, or email hupnahoura@gmail.com. For further information please see Facebook page CCE Ballyhoura.