On Monday the 20th of May the Butterfly Club had the privilege of welcoming Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald to hear firsthand about the club and meet the club members, volunteers and parents. After a brief welcome to the Minister by the club Chairperson Pamela McNamara, parents of two children attending the club, Catherine Begley and Colm Leahy, spoke and expressed their gratitude to the Butterfly Club on how their children’s attendance has helped not just their child’s social skills developing but has given them respite to do simple things like both parents attending the cinema with their other children, knowing their child is in a very safe environment and with people who will treat them with love and care. The Minister then gave a brief speech on her delight in hearing from parents directly on the benefit the club has been to their children and highly praised the volunteers in their dedication and hard work for the butterfly club that made it the success it is today with 63 children attending and 25 children on a waiting list for places. The minister then launched the club website: www.thebutterflyclub.ie/ and stated she looked forward to hearing about the club’s progress in the future and expressed her thanks to all the children and parents who came out to greet her on the day.

May 22, 2013
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