New President for Mallow Chamber of Commerce

Estelle Varney (right), incoming President of Mallow Chamber, pictured with Sharon Cregg, who has served as President for the past four years.

Having joined Mallow Chamber as Liaison Officer in 2022, Estelle Varney will be taking over as President of Mallow Chamber of Commerce for the next two years. Estelle has had an opportunity to build close relationships within the business community, and developed a clear understanding of local needs. A mediator by profession, Estelle is keen to continue building on Chamber’s achievements, working with businesses, community partners and the people of Mallow town.
Mallow Chamber of Commerce was established as a business representative group, aimed at promoting local enterprise and building supports between businesses, for the advancement of Mallow as a whole.  The Board of Directors comprise local business owners who volunteer their time to advance these goals. With representation across a broad range of sectors, the Board has an in-depth understanding of common and specific industry needs. Mallow Chamber’s well-recognised presence is testament to the hard work and commitment of all involved. “I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to work closely with the previous president, Sharon Cregg, who has been an outstanding mentor. Sharon will continue to remain actively involved in Chamber, sharing her experience and expertise. It is encouraging to know that I have the support of such a remarkable team, and feel privileged that they have put their trust in me to continue growing Chamber”. Chamber will be exploring more ways to engage with members, and developing means for closer interaction between businesses, as well as the various role players who support enterprise growth.
Going forward, Mallow Chamber will be focusing in particular on supporting programmes around sustainability and digitalisation, which is essential for business progress, and will contribute to more effective and environmentally friendly enterprise. “Managing this transition whilst engaging in the day-to-day running of a business is, however, challenging, and Chamber aims to make this transition as accessible and simple for businesses as we can. We will be keeping businesses up to date on any supports, grants and training that is available, and will bring specialist expertise to the local community where a need is identified.”
Recognising the importance of community engagement with local business, as well as business to business interaction, Mallow Chamber will continue to build on past successes related to community and local business events. With business as a key pillar in the community, there will also be support for initiatives to integrate marginalised groups, and improve access to trade and services.
“Mallow is a vibrant town with huge potential, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share in the continued progress and success. Mallow Chamber is in business for business, and I would encourage our business community to actively engage with us to indicate areas of need, and to propose and promote new initiatives. This will allow us to best serve you, and make our town an ever-greater place to shop, work, play and live.”